The popcorn pushers quote of whenever i update:

Experience is the sinking feeling that you've made this mistake before.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just something I thought I would post as I wait for my lunch to finish...

Ever had one of those dreams where after you wake up you go "Where the heck did that come from?"
Today I woke up around 6 because my bladder said I had to. After that I went back to sleep and the weirdest dream started:

I was based in a house/canyon, the reason for that I do not know but I had a canyon on one side and a family room down below. Most of the dream took place on a set of stairs though, and my mom was in the dream for a few moments as was my dad. The strangest person in my dream was Tony Stark (Iron Man), but not Robert Downy Jr. the old cartoon one.

For some reason I was this super powered, fast healing, kick-butt fighter (not that I'm complaining) who had to stop two T.Rex's from getting to my family. I basically flung them to my right with my kick butt moves (this is where the canyon comes in) and they fell down a never ending revene mainly because i knew they could instantly heal themselves so that was the only option to keep my family safe.

Next came the mother of all dinosaurs and he could do everything i could, talking included. Not that he said much cause i kept hitting him, but Iron Man was suppose to help me and then he disappears. So here I am fighting a huge T.Rex without any help for 5 hours straight (i was told five hours cause my mom said I had to find lunch on my own). Finally both me and the Dino agreed to take a 1 hour break before we continued our fight to the death, so he fell asleep and i woke up Tony who then promptly left to go find his gloves. So now I am done fighting (for now) and what do I do?

I wake up.

It was now almost 11. I didn't hear my phone go off (I later found it on my bed in the spot where i had been sleeping after i knew i put it on my nightstand) and I woke up completely without the whole dragging feeling you get when you first wake up.

The strangest thing is that I could have sworn I had this dream yesterday...

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