The popcorn pushers quote of whenever i update:

Experience is the sinking feeling that you've made this mistake before.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hit a little close to home...emotionally

Last night we watched a very good movie called "Hachi: A dog's tale" which stars Richard Gere. It's based on the true story of a dog named Hachiko in Japan who waited for his deceased master for over ten years at a train station. His story touched so many that a bronze statue was made and placed in his waiting spot.

I knew I was going to cry. I am a baby when it comes to movies or books that are very sad. By the end Boo, Bee, G-bear, and myself were all bawling. G-bear left and hid in his room while the rest of us were bawling/laughing on the couch.

I think it was hard to watch mainly because of Izzy. It made us all think about her again and again, which is still hard sometimes.

Aside from that it was a very heartfelt story that if you ever get the chance to watch... you should.

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