The popcorn pushers quote of whenever i update:

Experience is the sinking feeling that you've made this mistake before.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The first days....

The first days I'm not sure yet...

My English teacher reminds me somewhat of my English teacher i had my senior year. (whom i also was a TA for and was in her creative writing classes) She seems to like to focus more on the creative aspect of English more so than the technical. Her first assignment is a narrative that we have to write, either based on our own life or something we make up. I love the assignment, but i don't like the length.... it can only be 3 pages at most!! I need way more than to feel good about what i write.

My Sociology teacher (the correct name for the class is "People and Places of the Earth" but for sanity sake I'm gonna call it sociology) is a very interesting man. He's done a lot and has been to a lot of places in the world. he's been a teacher for 30 something years and has worked with National Geographic coming up with lesson plans for teachers, the Olympics committee when we wanted them in Utah, and a teacher exchange program (i think) in japan. He's got some unique ideas and likes to involve everyone and make us laugh.

Both classes are going to have their ups and downs, that much is certain. However, I'm so far willing to see where these teachers take me.....

P.S. Our narrative stories aren't technically due until a few weeks from now, but if anyone is interested in reading it when I'm done let me know and I'll find a way to get it to you.

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