The popcorn pushers quote of whenever i update:

Experience is the sinking feeling that you've made this mistake before.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

my life sumed up in a few sentences...

I'm sitting at Mickey D's with my family and my youngest sister (Madds) is talking to me about the fact that my birthday is in a few weeks. I'm turning 19 so she is teasing me about it:

Madds: You're getting old.

Me: *sigh* I know...

Madds:....... you need to find a boyfriend.


I ended up smacking her with my book. I realize that I have no luck with relationships, cause all the guys i know are either taken or idiots. Right now I really don't need to worry about boys anyway, even with me turning 19.

Just a sad fact that sums up my life.

1 comment:

  1. all guys are idiots until they're at least 20. girls simply mature sooner. sorry, but that's just the way it is.

    just find a cute idiot, string him along and break his heart, then do it again! repeat until you're old enough for the non-idiots, and hopefully by then, you'll know what you like, and you can have more fun.

    unlike madds, i'll say that you're still really young! there is no hurry! just have fun!
